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Indiana Vascular Access Network

INDIVAN Fall Conference and Vendor Fair-Vendor Registration

  • 11/16/2023
  • 07:30 - 16:30
  • Indiana University Health Methodist Hospital


Vendor table opportunity

All vendors will receive recognition and acknowledgement in print, on the INDIVAN website, and during the conference. In addition to table space, sponsors/exhibitors receive conference attendance for two representatives, lunch, and break refreshments.   

There are limited spaces available.  Reservations for vendors are on a first come-first paid basis.

· Payment must be received before a vendor space is confirmed.

· Registration without payment will not be accepted.

· Table registrations and sponsorships will be accepted until all sponsor opportunities and spaces are filled.

   Deadline for submission is no later than November 9, 2023

Questions: Please contact Molly Judge 812-361-3196 or Bethany Hunt 937-751-2559.

Statement of Liability: The Indiana Vascular Access Network (INDIVAN), a Network of the Association for Vascular Access is not responsible for typographical errors or omissions from final printing material. Every effort will be made to assure the accuracy of printed materials.


1. INDIVAN reserves the right to assign all exhibitor spaces.

2. Exhibitors must set up at the assigned area only. Every attempt will be made to accommodate special requests. However, no changes may be made to accommodations without the permission of INDIVAN.

3. Tables in the exhibit area must remain as placed by The Nest

4. Exhibitor agrees to have the display set up by 7:45 a.m. on 11/16/23, and dismantled and cleaned by 5;00 p.m. on 11/16/23. Please, DO NOT leave materials on tables.

5. This application and agreement only provide for one table space. Equipment must rest upon the table in a safe manner or that which extends no further than 18” from the table. The assigned area may not be able to accommodate any additional equipment. If your product/device is not capable of resting upon a table, please specify desired accommodations on the form in the designated area. INDIVAN will work to accommodate the request.

6. Exhibitors will follow safety requirements as designated by IU Health.

7. Electrical services cannot be guaranteed.

8. Shipment of materials and equipment to the conference location before the event is prohibited.

9. Exhibitor tables will be assigned and identified the day of the conference.

10. The exhibits will open by 8:00 a.m. and will remain open during lunch and breaks only.

11. Due to privacy agreements between INDIVAN and conference attendees, exhibitors will not have access to contact information of the participants. However, exhibitors may solicit such details (follow-up cards, etc.) from participants who voluntarily provide such information.

12. Refunds for cancellation may be granted, less $75.00 administrative processing fee, when notified on or before November 9, 2023. No refunds provided after November 10, 2023.

Registration and payment for booth indicates your understanding of the agreement described above.


INDIVAN is a network of the Association of Vascular Access. A multidisciplinary organization that provides evidenced based, vascular access education to healthcare professionals and patients. Anyone with either direct or indirect responsibility of patients with a vascular device will benefit from participating in this organization.

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